Can Virtual Doorman® Replace a Traditional Doorman?

People often ask whether Virtual Doorman®, a remote doorman system, can truly replace a traditional, human doorman. Does Virtual Doorman provide the same amount of service and security? How does the price of Virtual Doorman compare to a traditional doorman? Today, we will answer those questions, plus more. Privacy While there is something to be said about being greeted by name with a smile from a human by a traditional doorman, there are many people who prefer not to have someone at the door who knows every single time you come and go from your building. When you live in a building with Virtual Doorman, you can feel secure in your privacy and also know that we are there for you, on demand, whenever you need us. Cost Apartment buildings with a traditional doorman cost significantly more to live in than a building without. Buildings that utilize Virtual Doorman as an alternative will spend about 10% of what they would if they employed a traditional doorman. Virtual Doorman can provide almost everything that a traditional doorman can, but at a fraction of the price. Each apartment building can choose the service option that fits their budget and works best for their building and tenants. Each service plan can also be customized with options to add on additional services. With Virtual Doorman, apartment managers can select service options according to their needs and budget, so that they can offer their tenants high-end amenities without breaking the bank. Tipping A traditional doorman costs more to have on staff than Virtual Doorman does, and tipping is also recommended, especially during the holiday season. This is a reality for many people who live in apartment buildings with traditional, human doormen. So, not only are you paying more to live in the building, but you will also be expected to shell out more money in tips. You will never have to tip Virtual Doorman, no matter the season and Virtual Doorman will also not take any time off for the holidays. Virtual Doorman is always at your service and costs less in more ways than one. Security Buildings with an attended lobby offer additional security and peace of mind. There is someone at the door protecting your building from intruders and unwanted visitors. With a doorman, you never have to worry about people gaining access to your building that shouldn’t. The same is true when Virtual Doorman is on duty because our system is also a security system. With Virtual Doorman, your building will be equipped with security cameras. Anyone who is not a tenant will have their identity verified before they are permitted to enter the building by Virtual Doorman operators. So, you are not relying on a virtual system alone; you’ll also have peace of mind knowing that real people at our control center are always on duty to help ensure your safety and the safety of everyone in the building. Amenities A traditional doorman is considered a high-end amenity. You have someone at the door to greet you, sign for your packages, and keep your building safe. A doorman is something that is typically offered in only higher-end apartment buildings. The same is true with Virtual Doorman, You’ll have a state-of-the-art remote doorman system that acts as building security, accepts your packages, greets and verifies your guests, assists with building management, and even has a virtual concierge feature. Virtual Doorman also protects residents from getting locked out of their apartment. When you choose Virtual Doorman, you are receiving everything that a traditional doorman can do, plus more and for a fraction of the cost. Virtual Doorman can be offered in every apartment building rather than just expensive, high-end buildings. Mobile App and Web Portal For buildings with traditional doormen, interacting with the doorman usually involves a trip to the lobby or a conversation by calling down to the lobby. This is not the case with Virtual Doorman. If you want to allow access for a delivery or guest, ask for a recommendation from our virtual concierge, or access any other features, you can do so with a few simple clicks on our Web Portal or mobile app. Virtual Doorman can be accessed from anywhere and anytime, whether you are in your apartment, out on the town, and whether it is a weekend, night, or holiday. Virtual Doorman is always at your service. Learn More About Virtual Doorman visit this link When you live in a building with Virtual Doorman, you may not be greeted with a smile every time you walk through the door, but you will enjoy more privacy, convenience and affordable living. You will receive many benefits that go beyond that smile. You’ll have a state-of-the-art building security system keeping you safe, have your packages delivered when you’re not home, have round-the-clock access to our virtual concierge service, and much more.
Four Ways Life Is Made Easier For Tenants With Virtual Doorman

Having a doorman has always been an exclusive, more expensive option that was only offered at higher-end properties, but Virtual Doorman allows the privilege to be extended to many more properties because of its innovative design and affordable cost. Utilizing technology to provide doorman services makes tenant’s lives easier and can be a big selling point for potential residents. Having a doorman has always been an exclusive, more expensive option that was only offered at higher-end properties, but Virtual Doorman allows the privilege to be extended to many more properties because of its innovative design and affordable cost. Utilizing technology to provide doorman services makes tenant’s lives easier and can be a big selling point for potential residents. Get a quote today for Virtual Doorman and attract more potential tenants to your apartments! 1.) Tenant Lockouts 1.) Tenant Lockouts Traditionally, when a tenant gets locked out, they would have to contact their property manager and have them come to the property and unlock the door. It could be made even more inconvenient when the tenant gets locked out at night or on a holiday when it’s harder to get a hold of the property manager. Traditionally, when a tenant gets locked out, they would have to contact their property manager and have them come to the property and unlock the door. It could be made even more inconvenient when the tenant gets locked out at night or on a holiday when it’s harder to get a hold of the property manager. When a tenant gets locked out of their apartment that is equipped with Virtual Doorman, they can get access to their home instantly, no matter the time of the day or the day of the week. They simply use the Virtual Doorman video intercom unit at the building entrance and the Virtual Doorman works with the remote operators to allow the tenant access to their home. When a tenant gets locked out of their apartment that is equipped with Virtual Doorman, they can get access to their home instantly, no matter the time of the day or the day of the week. They simply use the Virtual Doorman video intercom unit at the building entrance and the Virtual Doorman works with the remote operators to allow the tenant access to their home. The remote operators have remote access to open all doors and they can assist the resident getting back into the building and their apartment. If the tenant has just forgotten their key card or fob inside, the problem is solved. However, if the tenant has lost their key card, the property manager can deactivate the old card, and activate a new one from the Building Manager Portal. There is no more need to go out and make an extra copy of an actual key or re-key the locks if safety is an issue. The remote operators have remote access to open all doors and they can assist the resident getting back into the building and their apartment. If the tenant has just forgotten their key card or fob inside, the problem is solved. However, if the tenant has lost their key card, the property manager can deactivate the old card, and activate a new one from the Building Manager Portal. There is no more need to go out and make an extra copy of an actual key or re-key the locks if safety is an issue. pop over to this website 2.) Deliveries 2.) Deliveries Traditionally, when a tenant is receiving a delivery they would have to buzz up the delivery driver, leave permission with the doorman, or sometimes the deliveries are just left at the front desk. Traditionally, when a tenant is receiving a delivery they would have to buzz up the delivery driver, leave permission with the doorman, or sometimes the deliveries are just left at the front desk. With Virtual Doorman, the tenant does not have to be home or go pick up their package at the front, they simply notify the Virtual Doorman of the delivery. Delivery personnel use the video intercom unit at the building’s entrance to check-in, and the Virtual Doorman works with the remote operators to allow the package to be delivered. With Virtual Doorman, the tenant does not have to be home or go pick up their package at the front, they simply notify the Virtual Doorman of the delivery. Delivery personnel use the video intercom unit at the building’s entrance to check-in, and the Virtual Doorman works with the remote operators to allow the package to be delivered. Virtual Doorman allows for quick and simple deliveries, whether it be a package or a food delivery while ensuring the safety of the residents. Virtual Doorman allows for quick and simple deliveries, whether it be a package or a food delivery while ensuring the safety of the residents. Residents utilize the Virtual Doorman Web Portal App to allow for deliveries, so they can register a delivery from anywhere. They will no longer have to worry about picking up packages or ringing in the delivery driver. Residents utilize the Virtual Doorman Web Portal App to allow for deliveries, so they can register a delivery from anywhere. They will no longer have to worry about picking up packages or ringing in the delivery driver. 3.) Visitors 3.) Visitors The Virtual Doorman also makes having visitors a breeze, whether you’re having friends over, or you employ a dog walker or cleaning person. The tenant registers the visitor with the Virtual Doorman on the Virtual Doorman Web Portal App, and that’s it. The Virtual Doorman also makes having visitors a breeze, whether you’re having friends over, or you employ a dog walker or cleaning person. The tenant registers the visitor with the Virtual Doorman on the Virtual Doorman Web Portal App, and that’s it. When the guests arrive they utilize the video intercom unit and the Virtual Doorman works with the remote operators to ensure the identity of the guest and allows them
3 Advantages of a Virtual Doorman Over a Real One

At Virtual Doorman, we have a bit of problem: Real doormen don’t like us! That’s because we’re providing a service that, in many ways, makes them obsolete. While there are some expensive buildings that will always have doormen as a prestige symbol, our remote doorman service is more than enough to handle the needs of many buildings that would rather not have to have a real person on duty 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week. But why are so many building owners and managers switching over to remote doorman services? Isn’t one as good as the other? In most cases, the answer is clear: virtual doormen provide advantages that just can’t be beaten. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons people are switching to a virtual doorman system. No Payroll Without a doubt, this is the primary reason that most building managers decide to go with Virtual Doorman. We’re not talking about small saving here, either. By not having to have a doorman on call around the clock, buildings can end up saving 90% on their doorman services. That cost savings can be used to improve the building, keep rent from rising, or just be pure profit for the building owner. How can we provide such savings? First of all, there’s a considerable amount of automation involved. Renters will be able to open doors remotely with their phones, both for the main doors and for their own apartment. This means that our virtual doormen — actual people manning the system — don’t need to respond every time someone walks into the building. Even more important, our remote doormen are watching over multiple buildings at a time. A real-life doorman can only watch one building, and 95% of the time they aren’t doing anything at all. Our virtual doormen are much more efficient because they don’t experience nearly as much downtime and are able to watch over multiple buildings. Language How many languages does a typical doorman speak? They might be able to greet tenants in a few languages, but that’s it. But there are more than 6,000 languages in the world, 800 spoken in New York City alone, and about 135 commonly spoken languages in NYC. Doormen simply can’t keep up. With the latest version of our virtual doorman, tenants can be greeted in their own language. That’s a nice little touch that a real doorman just can’t pull off. No Awkward Chit Chat The personal touch offered by a real-life doorman can be a pleasant experience for some people. They might even like to get to know their doorman and don’t mind the banter as they make their way to the elevator. But in reality, most people just aren’t interested. It might sound mean, but it’s true. Life in New York is hectic, and most people would rather just have the automatic doors work for them than make small talk with someone they don’t really know. Are You Ready For A Virtual Doorman? Those are far from the only reasons that building owners choose virtual doorman, and, in fact, we’ll be back in the next blog to give you even more reasons why our remote doorman services are a good idea. But if you’re already convinced, click here to compare the service options you can get with Virtual Doorman. We look forward to working with you!
4 Advantages Of Virtual Doorman Services You Can Advertise To Tenants

If you own a building or are a building manager, it’s important to remember just how important your tenants are. You can have the nicest property in the world, but if you don’t have the services customers are looking for then you’re not going to be able to fill the spaces as quickly as you’d like. When potential buyers or tenants are considering your building, they might be looking for the services of a doorman. At first, they might be apprehensive about living in a building that uses Virtual Doorman service, technology they’re probably with unfamiliar with. You might have to sell them on the idea of a virtual doorman system, so here are some advantages to convince them that you should stay in a building with our cyber doorman service. 24/7 Service Having a round-the-clock doorman will cost a building hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. This high price tag has caused some properties to cut back on the hours during which they employee a doorman. This can leave quite a bit of time during which there’s no basic security or package services being provided. Our virtual doorman service is on-call 24/7/365 in order to let the right people into the building and accept packages. There’s no time during which tenants will be left in the lurch. Front Doors Can Always Remain Locked One of the primary duties of doormen is to provide basic security for a building. But in order to do so, they will usually have the front doors unlocked and perform this security from the front desk. That means that anyone who shouldn’t be in the building already has access to the building, and if they overpower the doorman then they have complete access. With our virtual doorman service, the doors remain locked at all times until a tenant or approved guest comes along. This makes sure that the first line of defense — the front doors — aren’t breached. There’s No Tipping This might be a small point, but it can be surprisingly appealing to customers. Even the biggest tippers out there realize that we’re reaching “tipping overload,” as tipping has become more and more ubiquitous. While it’s great to tip actual doormen when they are part of a highrise’s offerings, not having to tip — or worrying about how much to tip — can be an appealing selling point for Virtual Doorman. Virtual Doorman Is Impressive! The job of doorman has been around for at least 2,000 years and a part of New York City life for hundreds of years. So while it still impresses people to say “we have a doorman in our building,” it certainly doesn’t hold the weight it always has. In fact, some people are uncomfortable having someone wait on them in such a fashion. Everyone is impressed with Virtual Doorman, though! We’ve worked hard to incorporate the software and hardware to make it work as smooth as possible and to accommodate every instance in which it could be needed. When you tell potential tenants that they can let their friends in by tapping their phone, they’re going to brag about it! Impress Your Tenants With The Best Services If you’re looking for the best virtual doorman, there’s only one option with all of the services to impress the people who are considering living in your building. Find out more about how it works, then get a free quote.